Alpha Pharma Employee Code of Conduct (Code) outlines the minimum acceptable standards of conduct expected from employees of the Alpha Pharma. The information contained in this documents complements various policy manuals and more specific requirements that may exist within the various units/departments of the Alpha Pharm.
All employees are expected to read and be conversant with the following guidelines, and be responsible for ensuring that professional standards are maintained. Individuals found to have breached this Code will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal. Furthermore, violations of this Code may also be a violations of law and may result in civil or criminal penalties for you, your supervisor and / or Alpha Pharma.
Scope of Application
The Employee Code of Conduct is applicable to all Alpha Pharma employees and (contractors) including permanent staff, trainees, students and temporary employees.
The applicability of Alpha Pharma Code of Conduct to external companies working on behalf of Alpha Pharma will be considered on a case by case basis.
Alpha Pharma Values:
What we do as Alpha Pharma is important, however just as important is ‘how we do it’. Alpha Pharma uses our corporate values to establish a common understanding of expectations across the Alpha Pharma. It defines who we are as Alpha Pharma.
Our values – integrity, teamwork, customer focus, caring, continuous learning, accountability, Quality, and Environment, Health, and Safety – are the foundation of our corporate culture. They define who we are and what we stand for and determine our people’s actions and decisions.
We are transparent honest and provide full disclosure of relevant information truthfully.
Team Work:
We communicate and provide objectives clearly by supporting each other with empathy, respect, listening and providing honest feedback.
Customers Focus:
We are committed in knowing our customers, value customer relations and devoted a culture of no problem
Continuous Learning:
We promote self-development and eagerness to learn among our employees by continuously engaging and challenging them while providing support and coaching.
We believe in the value of ownership, empowerment, self-discipline and promote a culture of no blame.
Follow and Implement Quality culture by working proactively according to Quality standards and policies. Perform work with respect to Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).
Environment, Health, and Safety:
Follow and Implement Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) culture by working proactively according to Environment, Health and Safety standards and policies. Perform safe system of works with respect to Occupational safety, health administration and Environment Management system.
1. Privacy & Confidentiality:
Employees must maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information entrusted to them by Alpha Pharma, or its customers or suppliers. Proprietary information is any non-public information gained during the course of working with Alpha Pharma, and that might be of use to competitors or harmful to Alpha Pharma, its customers, fellow employees, or suppliers, if disclosed.
Examples of proprietary information include:
• Non-public details about Alpha Pharma strategy, growth plans and corporate transactions
• Information about customers and pricing/contract details
• Information about financial results and costs being incurred
• Information about organization charts, headcounts and general personnel strategies
• Alpha Pharma documents such as circulars, manuals, process/procedure documents, internal communications, etc.
• Personal employee details such as compensation, bonuses, performance reviews and qualifications
• Any material especially marked as “confidential”.
Alpha Pharma staff are expected to protect confidentiality by not sharing such information with anyone who does not have authorization to access it. This includes both people within the organization as well as those outside. This requirement should be followed at all times except in cases where disclosure is authorized in writing by the GM of Alpha Pharma, or required by laws or regulations.
As part of this requirement, professional care should also be exercised in conversations about Alpha Pharma -related business with fellow employees, or outsiders in public places including lifts, reception areas, entry ways, etc. Care must be taken to prevent unauthorized personnel from overhearing confidential, or otherwise private information. As such, it is prudent to restrict Alpha Pharma business discussions within the office areas of each building.
Additionally, information must not be divulged over the telephone unless the identity of the caller and his or her right to receive the information are definitely established. Particular care should also be taken in answering enquiries for credit information, and data given must be limited to that permitted by standard practice. Where doubt exists, refer to your manager.
2. Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets:
All employees are required to protect Alpha Pharma assets, and ensure their efficient use. Theft, carelessness and waste have a direct impact on Alpha Pharma profitability, and are not acceptable. All Alpha Pharma assets are to be used for legitimate Alpha Pharma purposes. Alpha Pharma assets should not be used for non-Alpha Pharma business. Any suspected incident of fraud or theft should be immediately reported for investigation.
The obligation of employees to protect Alpha Pharma assets extends to Alpha Pharma proprietary information including:
• business, marketing and service plans, designs, databases, records, salary information, and any unpublished financial data and reports
• Intellectual property such as policies and procedures, and templates. Unauthorized use or distribution of this information is a violation of Alpha Pharma policy as detailed in section 4, “Privacy & Confidentiality,” and can also be illegal resulting in civil or criminal penalties.
3. Gifts:
The practice of giving and receiving gifts must be closely monitored to ensure Alpha Pharma requirements on conflicts of interest and fair dealings as detailed above are observed and protected.
I. Receiving Gifts:
a. While it is not realistic to place a blanket ban on the giving or receiving of all gifts, employees must not engage (either directly or indirectly through relatives or friends) in any activity which could be interpreted as the giving of or receiving a bribe, secret commission, kick back, or questionable privilege or favor in relation to Alpha Pharma business activities.
b. The gift does not take the form of cash;
c. The gifts can be in the form of pens, diaries, and can have a nominal cost of 50 SAR, and is clearly not given in return for any consideration or in anticipation of such;
d. Receipt of any gifts together with a description and estimated cash value is immediately notified in writing to the employee’s immediate manager. Where there could be any question that the gift was of other than nominal value, an employee must consult his/her manager for guidance. Modest gifts (which are not made in the expectation of a return favor) including standard promotional items may be accepted.
II. Giving Gifts:
e. It is Alpha Pharma policy that no gifts should be given, either directly or indirectly, through third parties, to customers, suppliers or government officials to promote Alpha Pharma economic or political advantage.
4. Competition and Fair Dealing:
Alpha Pharma seeks to win business and outperform our competition fairly and honestly. Each employee shall respect the rights of, and deal fairly with Alpha Pharma customers, suppliers and employees. No employee should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment or any other illegal practice.
4.1- Relationships between staff members should be built on a mutual respect and tolerance to foster a comfortable, working and productive environment and team spirit.
4.2- An employee of Alpha Pharma shall behave in respectful way with other member/s of the team, and shall not purposefully, falsely or maliciously attempt to injure the reputation of another team member.
4.3- An employee of Alpha Pharma shall exert best effort to cooperate with other team member/s in the best interest of the company, and the promotion of its business development.
4.4- An employee of Alpha Pharma shall act with honesty and integrity, avoiding actual, apparent or the perception of conflicts of interest in personal and professional relationships.
4.5- An employee shall provide information that is accurate, complete and relevant; to ensure full, fair, truthful, timely, and understandable reporting and documentation that Alpha Pharma will file or maintain internally, or submit to Government agencies or other private entities outside the company.
5. Dress Code:
It is important that Alpha Pharma, a professional image to our customers, visitors and business partners, and employees are expected to support this image by dressing appropriately in carrying out the organization activities.
All employees are required to maintain a clean, appropriate and businesslike appearance, according to the requirements of their functions and in line with the practices of KSA, during working hours. Therefore, the following dress guidelines are expected from all employees when engaged in work related activities unless otherwise required by their functions.
Requirement for male employees is as follows:
5.1- Traditional Saudi dress or business attire consisting of shirt and slacks/business pants (no jeans, t-shirts, shorts, athletic wear) / Suitable business shoes (no flip-flops).
6. General:
The above is not meant to be an exhausting list of all policies within Alpha Pharma. Employees and those mentioned within the scope of work, are expected to abide by policies and instructions via circulars and memos such as:
6.1 Employees are expected to abide by the IT policies and procedures, which outline the use and access of computer and electronic communication facilities.
6.2 Employees are expected to abide by the corporate policies and procedures, which denote the structure and process established to oversee, direct and manage the Corporate Communications function of Alpha Pharma.
6.3 All employees are expected to adhere to Alpha Pharma Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality policies, procedures, guidelines and standards to ensure we conduct all business activities in a responsible manner.
6.4 Alpha Pharma is committed to treating all employees fairly, with respect and dignity and providing a supportive work environment. Harassment in any act, forms and context will not be tolerated, and employees are encouraged to report any form of harassment to their Supervisor/ Manager or to the HR Department.
6.5 Alpha Pharma aims to provide a safe and secure work environment for all employees. Therefore, intimidation, threats and acts of violence, with or without the presence of a weapon will not be tolerated.
6.6 Alpha Pharma is an equal opportunity employer, without regard or prejudice to color, sex, faith, or origin.
6.7 Alpha Pharma employees are not allowed to subscribe to engage in any work activity outside the company, nor are they permitted to join any groups of any interest, without explicit permission of the General Manager.
7. Conflict of Interest
Alpha Pharma employees are not allowed to engage in any outside employment / business while in service in the company.
8. Administration, Compliance and Disciplinary
I. Compliance:
a. All employees are expected to use their personal judgment and good sense to act properly and to recognize when they need guidance on the Employee Code of Conduct. When in doubt, or to report possible conflict of interest and/or Employee Code of Conduct violations, employees are expected to seek guidance from the HR Department.
b. Alpha Pharma will continuously monitor compliance with the provisions of this Code. If substantiated, employees violating the Code will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with labor law as applicable and Alpha Pharma Human Resources policies and procedures.
II. The Role of the Human Resource Dept.:
a. The Human Resources Department will have the overall responsibility to administer this Code and for reporting on the administration to the General Manager.
III. Reporting Violations and Suspected Violations:
a. Employees who are aware of or who suspect that other employees are violating this Code or are engaging in criminal activity which is exposing Alpha Pharma to financial loss or reputational damage, are expected to bring their knowledge or suspicions to the Internal Audit Department. This applies to all sections of this Code. Violations to this Code will be investigated in accordance with provisions of Alpha Pharma’s policy.
9. Annual Acknowledgement
To help ensure compliance with this Employee Code of Conduct, Alpha Pharma requires that all employees review the Code and acknowledge their understanding and adherence in writing on an annual basis below. I acknowledge that I received a copy of the Employee Code of Conduct, that I have read the Code and that I understand it. In case of receiving any instruction in conflict with the Code, I will comply with the Code. If I learn that there has been a violation of the Code, I will contact my manager or the Internal Audit Department. I acknowledge that the policy is not a contract and that nothing in the policy is intended to change the traditional relationship of employment.